Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Out of my window by Nadja

It was a hot summer morning and I was looking out of the big window in the kitchen while making bacon and egg on toast. I can see a thin, tall woman with a big straw hat on top of her little head; a massive, black ship floating on the bright, blue sea; the bright sun happily shining down on me; a large man with black sunglasses and a camera around his neck stomping across the golden sand and a big, green palm tree standing still beside the tall, thin woman. I can hear two little kids laughing happily and playing in the sea; the big, blue waves crasing loudly onto the sea shore; the seagulls chirping above the beautiful ocean and the large man humming a tune while taking some photos. I can smell my delicious egg and bacon on toast and the saltiness of the blue ocean water. I can taste my yummy bacon and egg toast being chewed into little pieces by me; a sip of the delightful hot chocolate I just made and a fresh piece of coconut I just got from the big palm tree. I can feel the soft, golden sand sliding through my fingers onto the ground; the hard skin of the coconut and my crunchy toast being eaten by me.

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