Friday, May 6, 2011

Supermarket visit

On Thursday in the last week of term 1 we went to New World supermarket after having a nutritionist called Liz who came to our class both days before.Liz showed us the food pyramid and what's healthy and what's not that healthy for you .We were amazed by how much sugar most things have got in them.At the supermarket we were put in groups to go around and compare different foods by looking at the per serve and 100g columns.It was almost lunch time so each group got $12.00 to spend it on a particular food group like meat,dairy,veges,fruit and bread.When we got back to school we made sandwiches out of the stuff we bought at the super market. Room 1 had so much fun at the supermarket and our lunch was YUM!!!
by Niamh and Emma

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