We had a speech competition at school in order to send two students to the Nelson primary school speech competition. In class we got a big boost from Mrs White to get our topic and then write them. We had to write our speeches ourselves but we were allowed to get a little help from our parents. We had a week to write our speeches and present them to the class.When the time came to present our speeches we were all super nervous. The top 3 speeches in our class got put though by Mrs White to go to the school competition and the top 3 were Libby - Skiing. Clara - Sophie Pascoe. Holly M - swimming togs.In our school competition these two people won James W - on being a Ginga and Johnny F - on how to have fun in an elevator. So on Thursday there was the inter school copmetition and Clifton Terrace School and schools from all around Nelson went to compete but only one person could win and that was... James W from our school. By Rielle and Holly Mc
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