This year our school did a production about the beatles, yellow submarine, and the whole school took part. The photo above is of Libby as John and all other cast 1 Beatles and the photo below is of an awesome person called Natasha as fred in cast 2.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
All aboard our yellow submarine! by Libby and Natasha
This year our school did a production about the beatles, yellow submarine, and the whole school took part. The photo above is of Libby as John and all other cast 1 Beatles and the photo below is of an awesome person called Natasha as fred in cast 2.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
FPS by Dan and Natasha
we are involved in an intellectual group outside the classroom called future problem solvers (FPS) which is run by Mrs Carruthers. To get into this group you must first sit a test. A certain amount of children pass this test. These children then have to bravely sit yet another test even harder than the first to determine the children who go into the "lower" group called creative thinking or they go into the higher upper class, smarter, awesomer group - FPS (us). We get different scenarios such as drugs in the olympics, child poverty and space junk. We also do all sorts of activities such as visiting the Brook Waimarama sanctuary to find out information for our booklet. Then we send out our booklets to the markers who then decide if we should get a certificate or not.
Everyone who is involved in it says that it is really good fun and recommends it to everybody.
Everyone who is involved in it says that it is really good fun and recommends it to everybody.
Speech Competition

We had a speech competition at school in order to send two students to the Nelson primary school speech competition. In class we got a big boost from Mrs White to get our topic and then write them. We had to write our speeches ourselves but we were allowed to get a little help from our parents. We had a week to write our speeches and present them to the class.When the time came to present our speeches we were all super nervous. The top 3 speeches in our class got put though by Mrs White to go to the school competition and the top 3 were Libby - Skiing. Clara - Sophie Pascoe. Holly M - swimming togs.In our school competition these two people won James W - on being a Ginga and Johnny F - on how to have fun in an elevator. So on Thursday there was the inter school copmetition and Clifton Terrace School and schools from all around Nelson went to compete but only one person could win and that was... James W from our school. By Rielle and Holly Mc
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The school cat by Amelia and Aiden
At our school we have a cat called Socks She arrived at the school about six years ago and has lived here since then. A few years ago she broke her leg and the vet was really nice to the school and Socks. Socks has a bed under the deck and she is a cute little kitty. Sometimes she accidentally sets the alarm off which is kind of funny. We do a morning tea fundraiser to help pay her bills and for her food. Staff members take it in turns to feed her at the weekends and in the holidays. Our caretaker feeds her every morning during the week as he opens the school up. WE LOVE SOCKS and she loves us!!!
All aboard our Yellow Submarine by Holly, Nadja and Aimee
Our production is All aboard the yellow submarine. It is about the Beatles' story of the yellow submarine. Our part is the sea of time. Our backdrop is psychedelic with clocks on. There are the baby beatles and dancers. The dancers wear masks and dance to eight days a weeks and when I'm sixty four. The baby Beatles get old during the last song and wave walking sticks at the audience. There is a choir who sing all of the songs and a band who plays some songs in between scenes.We performed on Tuesday morning and afternoon. We are also performing on Wednesday and Thursday. The whole school participated with their own scenes. Many children from our class were the main characters. Daniel, Flynn, Sam and Libby were Beatles. Anton and Natasha were Fred. It has been heaps of fun to do.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The year 6 ski day by Libby and Anna
On Friday some of the year 6s went skiing. We left school at 7.40 and arrived at Rainbow skifield at 10 o'clock. Out of 40 children only 3 went snowboarding while the rest skiied. All of us had a lesson and most of us were able to ski the whole mountain by the end of the day. We were lucky to get to go because the field had been closed due to lack of snow then there was a huge dumping. There was not alot of snow but enough for us to ski. Later in the day it started to snow and the sight was awesome. We saw 2 cheeky keas around our hut scavenging for food. They came up real close to us. We had an awesome day.
Monday, September 6, 2010
The Makos visit by Dan and Sam
The Tasman Makos are the local rugby team and we were lucky enough for a couple of them to come to our school. They even trained the A and the B school 7's teams. Afterwards we were even luckier to be able to ask them some questions.
Our principal is the coach of the Tasman under 20 team and he is very pleased about recently having a victory against Cantebury Metro under 20 team. As you can see he loves rugby!
By Sam and the other dude.
Our principal is the coach of the Tasman under 20 team and he is very pleased about recently having a victory against Cantebury Metro under 20 team. As you can see he loves rugby!
By Sam and the other dude.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
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