Friday, November 19, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
The William Ellis trophy
Chris Jack came with the William Ellis cup to visit Hampden st school. william Ellis is the person who invented Rugby. Chris Jack was 9 when New Zealand won the first ever rugby world cup.We weren't allowed to touch the cup and if we did then one of the guys who is looking after it would have to clean it all night. One of the men had to fly up to Auckland just to get the cup because it wasn't allowed to travel by itself. On the way to Nelson the cup had to have it's own seat with a seatbelt in a case.We got a photo with Chris Jack and one with the cup.
The Masked Parade - Nelson 2010
The other day Hampden St School went to the Masked Parade to show off our creative masks of the Yellow Submarine which we did for our production. At five o'clock we all had to meet up at B7 at five o'clock in Montgomery car park. After the judging had been done it was time to get rolling and start the parade which would go out around past Subway then down to Fashion island and down past the radio station back into the ocar park.We all had so much fun at the Parade and also at the festival afterwards.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
All aboard our yellow submarine! by Libby and Natasha
Thursday, September 16, 2010
FPS by Dan and Natasha
we are involved in an intellectual group outside the classroom called future problem solvers (FPS) which is run by Mrs Carruthers. To get into this group you must first sit a test. A certain amount of children pass this test. These children then have to bravely sit yet another test even harder than the first to determine the children who go into the "lower" group called creative thinking or they go into the higher upper class, smarter, awesomer group - FPS (us). We get different scenarios such as drugs in the olympics, child poverty and space junk. We also do all sorts of activities such as visiting the Brook Waimarama sanctuary to find out information for our booklet. Then we send out our booklets to the markers who then decide if we should get a certificate or not.
Everyone who is involved in it says that it is really good fun and recommends it to everybody.
Everyone who is involved in it says that it is really good fun and recommends it to everybody.
Speech Competition

We had a speech competition at school in order to send two students to the Nelson primary school speech competition. In class we got a big boost from Mrs White to get our topic and then write them. We had to write our speeches ourselves but we were allowed to get a little help from our parents. We had a week to write our speeches and present them to the class.When the time came to present our speeches we were all super nervous. The top 3 speeches in our class got put though by Mrs White to go to the school competition and the top 3 were Libby - Skiing. Clara - Sophie Pascoe. Holly M - swimming togs.In our school competition these two people won James W - on being a Ginga and Johnny F - on how to have fun in an elevator. So on Thursday there was the inter school copmetition and Clifton Terrace School and schools from all around Nelson went to compete but only one person could win and that was... James W from our school. By Rielle and Holly Mc
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The school cat by Amelia and Aiden
At our school we have a cat called Socks She arrived at the school about six years ago and has lived here since then. A few years ago she broke her leg and the vet was really nice to the school and Socks. Socks has a bed under the deck and she is a cute little kitty. Sometimes she accidentally sets the alarm off which is kind of funny. We do a morning tea fundraiser to help pay her bills and for her food. Staff members take it in turns to feed her at the weekends and in the holidays. Our caretaker feeds her every morning during the week as he opens the school up. WE LOVE SOCKS and she loves us!!!
All aboard our Yellow Submarine by Holly, Nadja and Aimee
Our production is All aboard the yellow submarine. It is about the Beatles' story of the yellow submarine. Our part is the sea of time. Our backdrop is psychedelic with clocks on. There are the baby beatles and dancers. The dancers wear masks and dance to eight days a weeks and when I'm sixty four. The baby Beatles get old during the last song and wave walking sticks at the audience. There is a choir who sing all of the songs and a band who plays some songs in between scenes.We performed on Tuesday morning and afternoon. We are also performing on Wednesday and Thursday. The whole school participated with their own scenes. Many children from our class were the main characters. Daniel, Flynn, Sam and Libby were Beatles. Anton and Natasha were Fred. It has been heaps of fun to do.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The year 6 ski day by Libby and Anna
On Friday some of the year 6s went skiing. We left school at 7.40 and arrived at Rainbow skifield at 10 o'clock. Out of 40 children only 3 went snowboarding while the rest skiied. All of us had a lesson and most of us were able to ski the whole mountain by the end of the day. We were lucky to get to go because the field had been closed due to lack of snow then there was a huge dumping. There was not alot of snow but enough for us to ski. Later in the day it started to snow and the sight was awesome. We saw 2 cheeky keas around our hut scavenging for food. They came up real close to us. We had an awesome day.
Monday, September 6, 2010
The Makos visit by Dan and Sam
The Tasman Makos are the local rugby team and we were lucky enough for a couple of them to come to our school. They even trained the A and the B school 7's teams. Afterwards we were even luckier to be able to ask them some questions.
Our principal is the coach of the Tasman under 20 team and he is very pleased about recently having a victory against Cantebury Metro under 20 team. As you can see he loves rugby!
By Sam and the other dude.
Our principal is the coach of the Tasman under 20 team and he is very pleased about recently having a victory against Cantebury Metro under 20 team. As you can see he loves rugby!
By Sam and the other dude.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Peter and the Wolf
Yesterday Room 1 went to the Theatre Royal to watch Peter and the Wolf. It was so cool because we also got to watch some ballrinas dance to some music.
Did you know that the Theatre Royal is the oldest wooding building in the southern hemisphere and it has been recently been renovated.There have been many shows there since it opened back in 1878. 1000 out of the population of 6000 Nelsonians crammed in the Theatre Royal on the opening night to watch the first show. Then the girl who was talking asked if it was anyone's birthday that day and it was Anna's. So she got to go up and be made up to look like a ballerina. Then Sam and Dan got to get their eyebrows painted black with a beard and a moustache. They looked so funny. Peter was our secretary's daughter. She let Flynn wear her hat after.
By Anna and Kerra
Did you know that the Theatre Royal is the oldest wooding building in the southern hemisphere and it has been recently been renovated.There have been many shows there since it opened back in 1878. 1000 out of the population of 6000 Nelsonians crammed in the Theatre Royal on the opening night to watch the first show. Then the girl who was talking asked if it was anyone's birthday that day and it was Anna's. So she got to go up and be made up to look like a ballerina. Then Sam and Dan got to get their eyebrows painted black with a beard and a moustache. They looked so funny. Peter was our secretary's daughter. She let Flynn wear her hat after.
By Anna and Kerra
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Room 1 working hard
Room 1 used the fishbone graphic organiser to categorise their ideas on Waste during our Sustainability unit.
Our buddy class - Room 7
Every day after morning tea some children in room 1 go and help room 7 with their reading and spelling. We also try to make spelling and reading fun for them by making up games. The number of children in room 7 is rising dramatically so more of our class get to miss 5 minutes of school work! Sometimes we organise games with room 7 and we also play with them during morning tea and lunch.
By Natasha and Sam
By Natasha and Sam
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
The Ultimate Energy Mag by Aimee and Nadja
For our unit project we made a magazine called The Ultimate Energy Mag. It contains information about water, fat, electricity, your energy, protein, when you should eat, how much you should eat, eat for energy and 5 fitness tips. We also wrote about how we can reduce some types of energy and which alternative sustainable energies can be used.
My comic on Rubbish by Libby
We do a big question for topic at the end of every term. Last term my big topic question was "How can we reduce the amount of rubbish in the school grounds".I was working with Claire and Kimberly to answer the question.Claire and Kimberly prepared a powerpoint presentation. I prepared a comic. I got this idea from my big brother and I really liked it. I think the question is a really good one and it needs a lot of thinking to answer it.My comic is about three people (Claire, Kimberly and I)who wonder how they could clean up our school. They go and ask other people what they think.After that they tell Mr Mac what they have done and as a reward they get to go to the movies.I worked really hard on it and I hope you like what you have heard about it.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Lalaluna visits HSS for free!!!
It was the 22nd of july when Lalaluna visited Hampden Street. It was a free sneak peak preview of the show and it was hilarious. For example he jumped in a humungus balloon and danced around in it. It also included balancing big things on his nose and chin and juggling 5 balls at a time. He will be performing at the Theatre Royal and the Nelson school of music over the next few days.
He is definitely worth seeing and is very funny.
By Sam and Flynn.
He is definitely worth seeing and is very funny.
By Sam and Flynn.
Strike at HSS
Strike went to HSS on the 21st of July. They started off with a big metal cube that had lots of drums on it. The drums made really loud beats.Then they made it sound like it was raining but it was not.After that they asked for 5 volunteers.Kishan was one of the people that was picked.Then the volunteers played a Cook Island instrument made of wood. Then they made some beats. They also created cool music using cans and a blow torch. They were awesome!!!
By Anton and Kishan
By Anton and Kishan
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
James from England
James is a helper in room 1. He is based at the boys college. He comes down every day to help us with our reading and whatever we are doing. His nickname is Whiskers because he grows them. He offen helps Aiden, Jayke,Felix and Kishan. He is leaving to England tomorrow to go to university to study to be a techer. His looking forward to seeing his dog Macey and it is his 19th birthday today. Happy birtday James, we will miss you and wish you luck for the future.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Our Basque visitors
On Tuesday the 29th of June four Spanish students came to our class to talk about themselves to us.First we watched a video of the Basque region. We saw their school and alot of old places there. There were six churches in the town and some sheep but not as many as in Nelson. After we got split up into four groups with one Spanish student in each group.They talked to us about their lifstyle. Some things we found out about them are they have one big school that runs from year 0 to year 13, they have no school pool and in the Basquelands they also have Mcdonalds,Burger King but no Subway and KFC. They dressed up in their traditional costumes and showed the whole syndicate two traditional Basque dances. One of the girls is staying with Holly.
Wacky hair day by Kerra and Libby
Wacky hair day was really fun. There were lots and lots of wacky hair styles. As well as a wacky hair day we had a sausage sizzle. We raised funds for the Summit Rescue helicopter by donating a gold coin if you had wacky hair.
It amounted to $315.50.
The syndicates held a competition for the wackiest hair and the winners got points for their houses(Hampden, Van Diemen, Ngatiawa and Waimea) The winners for the senior syndicate were Bryttani, Lucy, Angus and Megan.
Wacky hair day was awesome. Everyone got to be creative and it was totally wacky.
It amounted to $315.50.
The syndicates held a competition for the wackiest hair and the winners got points for their houses(Hampden, Van Diemen, Ngatiawa and Waimea) The winners for the senior syndicate were Bryttani, Lucy, Angus and Megan.
Wacky hair day was awesome. Everyone got to be creative and it was totally wacky.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Out of my window by Nadja
It was a hot summer morning and I was looking out of the big window in the kitchen while making bacon and egg on toast. I can see a thin, tall woman with a big straw hat on top of her little head; a massive, black ship floating on the bright, blue sea; the bright sun happily shining down on me; a large man with black sunglasses and a camera around his neck stomping across the golden sand and a big, green palm tree standing still beside the tall, thin woman. I can hear two little kids laughing happily and playing in the sea; the big, blue waves crasing loudly onto the sea shore; the seagulls chirping above the beautiful ocean and the large man humming a tune while taking some photos. I can smell my delicious egg and bacon on toast and the saltiness of the blue ocean water. I can taste my yummy bacon and egg toast being chewed into little pieces by me; a sip of the delightful hot chocolate I just made and a fresh piece of coconut I just got from the big palm tree. I can feel the soft, golden sand sliding through my fingers onto the ground; the hard skin of the coconut and my crunchy toast being eaten by me.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The awesome All Whites

At the moment the All Whites are in South Africa for the Fifa World cup. The first match was against Slovakia and that was a draw which made New Zealand history with our first goal in 28 years. The second match was against Italy and the mighty All Whites and yet again that made New Zealand history and everyone very HAPPY. Italy are the world cup holders so it was very surprising when Shane Smeltz scored in the first 5 minutes of the game. On Friday the 25th NZ will be coming up against Paraguay and may go into the next round. Go the All Whites!!!
Staff vs Kids Rippa game
Inter-school Rippa Rugby
The Hampden Street School Rippa rugby A-team won the finals of the Nelson rippa rugby competition.
By Cam, Sam and Flynn
Aimee's Medals
Thursday, June 17, 2010
From out of my window by Grace
It's way out on a farm in the country. It's a gloomy day even though its spring.Out side the kitchen window I see ... The small jets loudly soaring through the dark grey clouds. The plump red quail flapping slowly through the sky with extreme difficulty. A black and white cow glares at me uncomfortably through its big hazel eyes. The green duck waddling through a chunky mud puddle.The sickly green and yellow eel moving slyly through the huge murky pond.I can taste the grey miserable rain as it patters through the cracks of the old window.I can smell the fresh dark green grass on the wet lawn.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Hampden Street dominates the interschool cross country
On Tuesday the 8th of June it was the Nelson interschool cross country at Branford park. As everybody arrived they walked the course, but because of the rainfall in the last few days it was pretty muddy. The first race was the year 5 girls. When they first started they ran past where the people were so they got cheered on.It was a close start but Hannah took the lead and won. Second was a girl from Victory and then Anna. The next race was the year 5 boys who rushed to the starting line eager to go. Some of the boys got quite muddy from falling over and sliding on water but that didn't stop Max, one of Hampden St School's top runners, from beating Central school's runners, David and Thomas, and coming 1st. The race after that was the year 6 girls who ran their hardest. It was a close race but Aimee took a 2 metre lead and kept it up to the finish line. Close behind was Joey from Central. Holly came third with a sprint to finish the race. The Year 6 boys were up next. Ben was far ahead of anyone in the whole race and got lucky number one.Cameron was the second Hampden street pupil with a placing of fifth. Our school got 3 firsts in the team competition - y5 girls and the y6 boys and girls. Now the top eight from each age group are going to the Nelson primary championships at Saxton Field. GO HSS!!!
Tree planting
Yesterday at around 1:00 o'clock rm 1 went to to the back beach to some tree planting with Nelmac.When we got to the beach we walked along to where we were meant to be and it was there where we met two men from Nelmac.We were planting spinifex grass to bind the dunes because they are starting to wash away so we were more than happy to plant as many trees as we possibly could.The time went so fast. We planted over 300 grasses. When it was time to leave we all got a picture by the dunes and I got to say thank you for the experience.
By Holly Mc
By Holly Mc
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Rielle's Diorama
Anton's diorama
Clara's diorama
Sea homework
Thursday, May 20, 2010
From out of my window by Anton
From our holiday villa in sunny Rarotonga I can see swimmers splashing abou in the beautiful blue sea.I can see the yellow sun shining brilliantly in the sk.I can hear the splashes of the white water hitting the sand.I can hear a huge cruise ship crashing through the waves.I can hear a man's feet sinking into the sand.I can see a boat speeding across the water with a water skier holding on tight as he glides over the water.I can smell the salt from the salty blue sea.I can taste a nice cold cup of water.I can feel the rough carpet making my feet nice and warm.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Moon by Natasha
Charlie loved the moon. He had always wanted to fly up there but his thoughts told him that his dad would disagree instantly. But Charlie made a promise to himself that night that he would go up to the moon, someday.
For the past week Charlie had been in the work shed non-stop, only going out to get a drink of water and a sandwich. This had carried on for 5 days and Charlie was running out of time. He needed to finish the wings and test them before Sunday or otherwise he would never be able to fly to the moon like he had been dreaming. Charlie had found out that if he started flying at 8:00 at night on May 1st, a magic wind would carry him out to space unharmed but the magic wind would be going out of space again at 12:00.
It was Sunday night at 7:55. Charlie had 5 minutes to check all his equipment and be ready to fly. Charlie checked all his equipment and opened the window. 11 more seconds..10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1 and he was off. Charlie couldn't believe he was actually flying. He passed planets and stars and waved hello to some stunned astronauts. It was such a quick journey that he almost missed his stop but glided insmoothly just in time. When he landed on the moon it felt as if you could just touch it and it would go flying across the universe. Charlie could start to hear a soft whimper behind a rock somewhere. He looked and listened. Charlie slowly crept over to a gleaming rock. The whimpering got louder and louder. Charlie looked behind the rock and saw a deep hole and inside was a baby alien. The baby alien had two small fangs, 3 horns and antennae on his head. His ears were all furry and his eyes were very big. His hands were like pteradactols and were attached to his wings. Charlie pulled and pulled but it was no use. The alien was stuck inside the hole. Charlie looked around to see if he could use anything to lever the alien out of the hole and then his eye caught sight of an abandoned spaceship. It looked like it had been there for quite a long time because bits of metal were falling off. There was an old digger head lying on its side and Charlie thought he could use it to dig the little alien out. First Charlie found some rope inside the spaceship and tied one end on to a large rock and gave the other end to the alien. Then Charlie picked up the digger head (which was surprisingly light) and started to dig around the alien. The alien began to fall but grabbed the rope and pulled itself up and out of the hole. As soon as it came out of the hole it ran straight to Charlie and gave him a big hug. Charlie was so surprised that he hugged it back. It so happened that when he hugged the alien he glanced at his watch. It said 11:55. Charlie quickly checked his wings and said goodbye to the alien and then he was off.
It had been such an awesome night. Charlie still couldn't believe that he had flown to the moon with wings that he had invented just like he had promised himself a week ago. He remembered how the moon had been all spongy and how he had made a new friend with the baby alien. "But I am glad to be back home," Charlie thought to himself. Travelling can also be very tiring and with that he fell fast asleep.
For the past week Charlie had been in the work shed non-stop, only going out to get a drink of water and a sandwich. This had carried on for 5 days and Charlie was running out of time. He needed to finish the wings and test them before Sunday or otherwise he would never be able to fly to the moon like he had been dreaming. Charlie had found out that if he started flying at 8:00 at night on May 1st, a magic wind would carry him out to space unharmed but the magic wind would be going out of space again at 12:00.
It was Sunday night at 7:55. Charlie had 5 minutes to check all his equipment and be ready to fly. Charlie checked all his equipment and opened the window. 11 more seconds..10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1 and he was off. Charlie couldn't believe he was actually flying. He passed planets and stars and waved hello to some stunned astronauts. It was such a quick journey that he almost missed his stop but glided insmoothly just in time. When he landed on the moon it felt as if you could just touch it and it would go flying across the universe. Charlie could start to hear a soft whimper behind a rock somewhere. He looked and listened. Charlie slowly crept over to a gleaming rock. The whimpering got louder and louder. Charlie looked behind the rock and saw a deep hole and inside was a baby alien. The baby alien had two small fangs, 3 horns and antennae on his head. His ears were all furry and his eyes were very big. His hands were like pteradactols and were attached to his wings. Charlie pulled and pulled but it was no use. The alien was stuck inside the hole. Charlie looked around to see if he could use anything to lever the alien out of the hole and then his eye caught sight of an abandoned spaceship. It looked like it had been there for quite a long time because bits of metal were falling off. There was an old digger head lying on its side and Charlie thought he could use it to dig the little alien out. First Charlie found some rope inside the spaceship and tied one end on to a large rock and gave the other end to the alien. Then Charlie picked up the digger head (which was surprisingly light) and started to dig around the alien. The alien began to fall but grabbed the rope and pulled itself up and out of the hole. As soon as it came out of the hole it ran straight to Charlie and gave him a big hug. Charlie was so surprised that he hugged it back. It so happened that when he hugged the alien he glanced at his watch. It said 11:55. Charlie quickly checked his wings and said goodbye to the alien and then he was off.
It had been such an awesome night. Charlie still couldn't believe that he had flown to the moon with wings that he had invented just like he had promised himself a week ago. He remembered how the moon had been all spongy and how he had made a new friend with the baby alien. "But I am glad to be back home," Charlie thought to himself. Travelling can also be very tiring and with that he fell fast asleep.
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